6th Grade
The Elements of You
Using the Elements of Art to build community

The intention of this unit is to build two foundational blocks — having a base knowledge of and experience using the Elements of Art and to help foster a positive and supportive atmosphere among the students in the classroom.
Having a knowledge of and experience using the Elements of Art can support students’ future artmaking. It can also give them a foundation of knowledge to use when critiquing visual culture and support their appreciation for creative expression.
The second intention is to help foster a positive and supportive atmosphere among the students in the classroom. “Middle school is a time when early adolescents strive for group belonging and want to socialize with peers” (Sickler-Voigt, 2020). This unit was designed to support the students getting to know each other and find possible connections to classmates they might otherwise not. Having students take the time to view and give positive feedback to their classmates work will build community and confidence in the art room.
6.1 CR Reference multiple sources for visual expression.
6.2 CR Brainstorm and experiment independently with ideas.
6.2 PE Identify technical skills that impact artmaking.
6.3 PE Purposefully incorporate the elements of art and principles of design to construct works of art.
6.1 RE Select relevant vocabulary to define and describe works of art.
6.3 CO Link observations, life experiences, and imagination for personal and creative expression.